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Happy to be featured, very cool, thanks!

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Joshua LisecCreator

Oh I have plans for you

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This is an obnoxiously good email

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Joshua LisecCreator


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I am being quite resolute in my belief of this fact. "I can not allow what I think I know to prevent me from learning that which I do not Know." This notion has allowed me to see the value of becoming a good student of the Joshua Lisec School of Writing. I learned many things, for example: How To Effective Write Persuasively How to focus on first things first (JTBD) Job To Be Done Understanding the book's functional target concept (function, Emotion, or Money) Acceptance that as a writer, one becomes an authority and expert on one's given subject or field. The above has helped me more than any other information I have gathered before now. This is the beginning of learning how to write effectively, leading to more beneficial and optimal results as a writer. Joshua discovering you on the Chris Voss podcast was no accident because things are as they should be. When the door of opportunity opens, one must take the first step. For me, that was buying your book. "So Good They Call You a Fake," Then I signed up for a subscription to your newsletter, "The Best Way Insiders Newsletter." I look forward to learning and the journey. Your Student, Wayne Faulkner

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Joshua LisecCreator

Hi Wayne. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate you joining up! How have you applied what you learned to your business and seen results?

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I am currently writing my fourth book. In the first paragraph of the first chapter, I introduce the JTBD. Have a watchful eye for Anti-Persuaion Mistakes. Also, adjusting my writing according to your concept: "Write This, Not That. The above insight can also be carried over to my website. The results are a work in progress. It's getting better, and the best is yet to come.

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I'd love to be in on this. Your book not only allowed me to understand why my practice was under-performing, but how to fix/rebrand it. The book also kickstarted a new level of self-awareness/understanding for me - but I'll save that for later. Thank you for your work, JL.

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Joshua LisecCreator

Hi there. How did you fix your business, and how do you know it "worked"?

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Hi Joshua Glen Morris here I am three quarters of the way through my study of your exciting and useful how to build a business book. Looking forward to being called a fake very soon with my assembly of Information Management systems for data obsessed individuals Glenn

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Joshua LisecCreator

Reach out once you have seen more tangible results, Glenn, thank you.

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Unfortunately I have not used the knowledge you shared.. I will look at it again..

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Where to start? Like so many others, I'm drinking the Lisec Kool Aid. Why? Because what Joshua teaches is Truth backed by evidence. I read all your emails and (get this...crazy) I feel better, more optimistic. We just did a launch at of our flagship program. The Figure Out Whats Next Program. I've been studying Joshua's persuasive writing and messaging. Then I bought Mass Persuasion Method (written of course by Joshua) and followed Bushra Azhar's advice, particularly the Prestige Boosters on the discovery calls I have with people to convert them to sales. Our program costs 3K. My conversion rate so far is 30%. Another thing. Joshua's influence has shot my confidence on these calls through the roof. Why? Because I realized what we have built is a system, no steps skipped like the Lego Castle that works with proof to back it up. Joshua changed my whole perspective and that translates into confidence and belief based in truth and proof. Now the bad news. We need a book badly. no. nut a book. a Joshua Lisec book, Otherwise, why bother? Budget concerns you know. for now. True story. I have actually woken up in the middle of the. night thinking about what Joshua has taught me, and of course. His offers. That must be the Holy Grail of persuasion. Thanks for listening to this rant. it's not my fault. It's Joshua's:) With gratitude and appreciation. Peter Axtell

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Joshua LisecCreator

Hi Peter; this is great stuff. Yes, please reach out to me at I would like to continue chatting with you about your story!

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