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Joshua LisecCreator

Noah, hi. What marketing-related services do you sell and how do you usually get these clients?

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Hi Joshua, I am interested in building my talent stack. I see your reply to Noah, so I will get ahead and answer the question you asked him. By day, I write sales copy for a large blockchain-based tech company, and have written for smaller tech startups in the past. I acquired 100% of these clients through Twitter. By night, I have been promoting my first song on the internet. I use a combination of Facebook and Instagram ads to acquire new listeners. Here is the song:

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Joshua LisecCreator

Gotcha, Andrew; email me at and we'll continue the chat there.

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Done 👍

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Yes, To answer both questions: 1. I currently write speeches and weekly content for executive leaders, their teams and departments (internal and external). 2. Most of my clients are word of mouth, referrals or through different networks I’m a part of.

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Spence Cater

Hi, I am offering live performance coaching to musicians. I also am offering GMB optimisation to small businesses.

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Mawuli Nyakutse

Yes. Offering Email Marketing Services to SaaS companies. Get clients by cold email. Cheers.

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Do you have a book? I'm serious

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